Smetanova Litomyšl, o.p.s.

The Organisation

• The public service company of Smetanova Litomyšl o.p.s. was founded on March 12, 1999 as a replacement for Nadace festivalu Smetanova Litomyšl (Smetana’s Litomyšl Festival Foundation). It was founded by the city of Litomyšl for the purposes of supporting cultural development, primarily organizing the Smetana’s Litomyšl festival, but also for other cultural events by focusing on financial and nonfinancial resources and by providing other activities that support and relate to these.

• Smetanova Litomyšl, o.p.s. is the only executive organizer of Nadace festivalu Smetanova Litomyšl, and it’s the owner of the trademarks associated with it. However, the company has also been involved at the start of other cultural initiatives, Smetana Creative Litomyšl, the Gastronoical Celebratin of Magdalena Dobromila RettigováLitomyšl – spa of the spirit, the year-round permanent exhibition of Olbram Zoubek’s sculptures in the cellars of Litomyšl Castle, accommondation in the former castle brewery, and the Festival Center, which offers music sales and the Bedřich Smetana Research Room.


Jiráskova 133, 570 01 Litomyšl
GPS: N49°52´22″, E16°18´48″

bank account

Česká spořitelna
číslo účtu:

Komerční banka
číslo účtu:

/ international payments

Bank: Komercni banka Litomysl
Bank Adress:
Smetanovo namesti 31, 57001 Litomysl, Czechia
Bank Account: Smetanova Litomysl, Jiraskova 133
Account Number: 30834591
Bank Code: 0100
Swift Code: KOMBCZPP
IBAN: CZ72 0100 0000 0000 3083 4591

registr, dokuments

IČ: 25918206, DIČ: CZ25918206

The company is registered in the register of public benefit societies maintained by the Regional Court in Hradec Králové, oddíl O, vložka 49.

additional activities

Castle apartments

Smetana’s Creative Litomyšl

Permanent exhibition of Olbram Zoubek’s sculptures

Permanent exhibition of the wax Heart for Václav Havel

stagiona in the Nové Hrady château

General partner

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© Smetanova Litomyšl 2024
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