“After reading The Dream of Poliphilus, I realised that the ideals of beauty in the Renaissance are like a bridge connecting all stylistic epochs: from the Middle Ages (Petrarch) to the Renaissance (madrigalists and polyphonists) to the nineteenth century, which was steeped in ancient cultures (Liszt). This program is not about renaissance, but about beauty…”
Paul Van Nevel
Concert by a world-famous Belgian vocal ensemble specialising in early music and its performing in accordance with the architecture of given concert venue. Inspired by the book of a Dominican priest Francesco Colonna (1432-1527) Poliphilo’s Strife of Love in a Dream (Hypnerotomachia Poliphili). The programme includes works by:
Luca Marenzio, Jacobus Gallus, Cipriano De Rore, Pierre Sandrin, Nicolas Craen, Filip de Monte, Max Reger, Willem Ceuleers