This show on the edge of opera and musical tells a famous fairy-tale story in a witty and communicative way, understandable in terms of music and content even for the youngest children.

So, the old woman sent her old man to go and take a look as it seemed to her as if someone was peeling the gingerbread of which their house was built. And the old man went out and said, “Who is peeling gingerbread from my roof?” – “No, sir, it’s only the wind,” Gretel answered in a thin voice from under the window…”
Božena Němcová – Hansel and Gretel (also known as The Fairy Tale of the Gingerbread House)
Jan Kučera
Hansel and Gretel
a one-act opera based on a fairy tale by Božena Němcová. Libretto by Ladislava Smítková Janků