This show on the edge of opera and musical tells a famous fairy-tale story in a witty and communicative way, understandable in terms of music and content even for the youngest children.

So, the old woman sent her old man to go and take a look as it seemed to her as if someone was peeling the gingerbread of which their house was built. And the old man went out and said, “Who is peeling gingerbread from my roof?” – “No, sir, it’s only the wind,” Gretel answered in a thin voice from under the window…”

Božena Němcová – Hansel and Gretel (also known as The Fairy Tale of the Gingerbread House)

Jan Kučera

Hansel and Gretel

a one-act opera based on a fairy tale by Božena Němcová. Libretto by Ladislava Smítková Janků


venue / Smetana House

Little Smetana gave his first concert in the summer palace in whose place now stands the city’s Neo-Renaissance cultural center.

More on venue Smetana House

190 / 290 / 390 CZK

50% discount for children up to 15 years and students

50% discount for health disability cards holders

Czech premiére

Concert without intermission

Estimated end of the performance at 5.00 p.m.

The show uses a sound system

Adults are only allowed to enter when accompanied by children

performers overview

Choreography Josef Kotěšovský
Graphic design Jiří Votruba
costumes Eliška Poulová
Directed by Tereza Petrášková
Conductor Anna Novotná-Pešková
Ensemble and Orchestra of the Children's Opera Prague
Children's Opera Prague

frequently asked questions

Should I take children to the opera?
Most definitely! A performance tailor-made for your children. We recommend it mostly for children in elementary school.

We want do everything possible to make things easy for people in wheelchairs. Therefore, to purchase tickets, please contact Jitka at or +420 602 457 338.


Choreography Josef Kotěšovský

Graphic design Jiří Votruba

costumes Eliška Poulová

Directed by Tereza Petrášková

Conductor Anna Novotná-Pešková

Ensemble and Orchestra of the Children’s Opera Prague

Children’s Opera Prague

frequently asked questions

frequently asked questions

Should I take children to the opera?

Most definitely! A performance tailor-made for your children. We recommend it mostly for children in elementary school.


We want do everything possible to make things easy for people in wheelchairs. Therefore, to purchase tickets, please contact Jitka at or +420 602 457 338.