“It was necessary and indispensable to keep what Jiří Suchý wrote in his mouth, so to speak, and to take it at face value. This proved the most difficult. My effort was not to copy his speech. To come out of the wisdom, the essence of the text, and just honor it in your own attitude.”
Tomas Savka

“If you want to brighten and opentlit your lives with something sweet, funny and imaginative, this show will most likely do it. Because he who is laughing, who does not want to frown, he can easily fight with life…!”
Milan Bátor
The musical cabaret Jonáš a tingl-tangl with songs such as Vyvěste fangle, Honky tonky blues or Tulipán premiered in the summer of 1962 and the performance of the NDM Ostrava Musical Theatre ensemble is presented on the 100th anniversary of Jiří Šlitr’s birth.