Smetana's Litomyšl

History of the Festival

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Since 1946, the prestigious classical music festival Smetana’s Litomyšl has been held in the birthplace of the founder of Czech national music, Bedřich Smetana, in the ancient East Bohemian town of Litomyšl.

It is only natural that Litomyšl has always honored Smetana’s historical legacy, naming its most significant buildings, locations, and cultural events after him. At the request of the citizens, the main square was renamed Smetana Square in 1990. In 1905, a new theater and concert hall was inaugurated as Smetana’s House. To mark the 100th anniversary of the composer’s birth in 1924, a statue of Smetana was unveiled, and for the first time, the complete opera ensemble of Prague’s National Theatre performed in Litomyšl, featuring the greatest Czech opera singer, Ema Destinnová.

kompletní přehled ročníků Smetanovy Litomyšle

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