“At the very end, all that will be left of all of us are the songs.
If we’re lucky.“
George Martin
The anniversary 25th Concert by Popular Request will remind us in a feature programme that the Year of Czech Music may not only be a celebration of the „classics“, but also of the composers, lyricists and performers whose anniversaries will be marked in 2024.
After all, for at least two generations, Jiří Šlitr, Ivo Fischer, Jaromír Klempíř, Vlastimil Hála, Jiří Bažant, Jan Rychlík, Karel Kryl, Karel Gott, Petr Hapka, Zdeněk Rytíř or Michael Kocáb are already among the classics of Czech song.
The programme will include e.g. songs:
The Shadow of Cathedrals, With a Stranger in a Stranger’s Room, Lavender, Let the Bells Ring, In the Boarding House World, Times Are Changing, Who Walks Into Your Dreams, At the Hotel in Olomouc, C’est la vie and a selection of films and musicals Lemonade Joe, Old Men on Hops, If a Thousand Clarinettes, The Madly Sad Princess…