Jan Campanus Vodňanský: Rorando Coeli
Jeremiah Clark: The head that once
John Amner: Come let´s rejoice
Georg Friedrich Händel: In sweetest harmony they lived
O fatal day
z oratoria SAUL
Franz Joseph Haydn: Kyrie
(ze Mše Marie Terezie)
Charles Villiers Stanford: Tři moteta
Justorum animae
Coelos ascendit
Beati quorum via
Jen mužský sbor
John David: You are the new day
Billy Joel: And so it goes
Eric Carmen: All by myself
Paul McCartney: For the wings of a nightingale
Černošské spirituály
arr. dale Adelmann: Ev´ry time I feel the spirit
arr. Jack Halloran: Witness
července 1997