Václav Jan Tomášek:
Missa Solemnis “Coronation”

Piarist Church of the Finding of St. Cross

July 2024
6. July 2024
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“Elaborate in detail, sovereign in the musical devices used, magnificent in its entirety. Such is the Missa solemnis, Op. 81, called the Coronation Missa.”

Jiří Fuks

Smetana Litomyšl traditionally closes with a thanksgiving service. This year, in the Year of Czech Music, its main musical content will be a performance of the Solemn Mass by Václav Jan Tomášek (1774-1850), a native of Skuteč, which he composed in 1836 for the coronation of the Czech King Ferdinand V.

The main celebrant Mons. Tomas Halik

Václav Jan Tomášek:

Missa Solemnis Op. 81 “Coronation”


venue / Piarist Church of the Finding of St. Cross

Modern reconstruction lent this majestic Baroque church a new appearance. It is now a place for contemplation, a gallery, and a concert hall.

More on venue The Church of the Finding of the Holy Cross

Festival catalogue

A catalogue with all program details, Litomyšl tour guide with tourist tips how to get the most from your festival visit.

Collect your order at the entrance from our ushers upon your voucher.



Programme booklet of a show

Collect your programme at the entrance from our ushers upon your voucher.

Barbora Perná
Bytnar Karla
Martin  Šrejma
Jiří  Brückler
Ales Barta
Čerchovan Choir Domažlice
Marek Vorlicek
Czech Sinfonietta
Radek Baborák

free entry


presale from 27th 4.

Without a break
Estimated end at 16.00



Barbora Perná – soprano Karla Bytnarová – alto Martin Srejma – tenor Jiří Brückler – bass Ales Barta – organ Čerchovan Choir Domažlice Members of the Kühn Mixed Choir ChoirmasterMarek Vorlicek Czech Sinfonietta Conductor Radek Baborák
Barbora Perná - soprano
Karla Bytnarová - alto
Martin Srejma - tenor
Jiří Brückler - bass
Ales Barta - organ

Čerchovan Choir Domažlice
Members of the Kühn Mixed Choir
ChoirmasterMarek Vorlicek
Czech Sinfonietta
Conductor Radek Baborák

frequently asked questions

We want do everything possible to make things easy for people in wheelchairs. Therefore, to purchase tickets, please contact Jitka at nazdravetska@smetanovalitomysl.cz or +420 602 457 338.

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