What About Children at the Festival?

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Concert going with Children

performances for Children

The festival’s organizers have been taking young guests into consideration for a long time now, and there’s always at least one special performance in the program for small children (elementary school age) as well as any number of programs suitable for older children and students. Young audience members receive a discount for these concerts. However, even the smallest children must have their own ticket and their own seat. No festival concerts are appropriate for infants and toddlers.

Seeing Other Performances

When selecting a performance, parents should seriously consider their children’s age and temperament. The fact that some children are more appreciative of music and events on the stage, while others cannot concentrate or sit still does not reflect on children’s intelligence or how well they’ve been brought up. Everyone has their own pace, and on the other hand, attempting to introduce a child to art by visiting a festival performance could harm their relationship to music for a long time. Moreover, at concerts that aren’t intended primarily for young audiences, even small interruptions by a tired child can ruin the experience for the other guests. There’s no child discount for these concerts, and the organizers don’t recommend entry to children under 10 years old.

The organizers’ regulations and conditions also address this: a visitor who interrupts the program with loud noises or other behavior can be asked to leave the audience without the right to a refund.

Finding Your Way to Classical Music

The Festival Gardens

For children, a visit to the Festival Gardens – where there’s a parallel program in an informal setting supplemented with fairy tales and plays on the weekend – is the ideal alternative to visiting performances that are demanding because of their length and often even auditory characteristics.

Give Classical a Try

For adults with children over 6 years as well as students up to 26 years who aren’t yet sure of their relationship to classical music, we offer discounted tickets for standing room in the second arcade of the castle courtyard (however not available in 2024). Here, you can enjoy either the entire performance or only part of it. You can find more information here.

Hlídání dětí

Variantou, jak se zúčastnit pořadu a přitom neotrávit své dítě nepochopitelně nudnou hudbou, je možnost si je zatím nechat pohlídat přímo v areálu zámku. Jistě je to jen pro ty statečnější, ale Rodinné centrum Litomyšl nabízí, že se o vaše ratolesti postará profesionálně, kvalifikovanými, spolehlivými a mimořádně laskavými „tetami“. 

Miniškolka nabízí:
  • celodenní hlídání
  • časovou flexibilitu a vstřícné jednání
  • kvalifikovaný personál s každodenní praxí hlídání dětí
  • plnohodnotnou stravu po celý den s důrazem na dodržení pitného režimu
  • odpočinkový režim přizpůsobený každému dítěti podle jeho zvyklostí a přání rodičů.

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služba hlídání dětí
773 697 873

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+420 461 616 070

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